Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Create Viral YouTube Shorts

(The last post is a personal perspective on YouTube shorts and how AI (Artificial Intelligence) video tools help enhance the platform content. This article gives some tips for creating the next viral shorts)

YouTube shorts found the right tool to match Tiktok. Now, the new platform has taken content creation by storm. With its popularity, there are YouTube shorts that have already reached 30 million views. It’s hard not to see how lucrative it can be to produce content using YouTube shorts.

On that note, there are a few things that beginners might want to know about YouTube shorts.

Shorts? How short?

Shorts are bite-sized vertical videos—60 seconds or less—that captivate viewers with their straightforwardness. You have 60 seconds to tell your story and amaze your audience. Many content creators have the ingenuity to do this and millions watch their videos. Of course, they do not do it overnight. They have a solid following or subscribers to ensure a single video can go up a million or more views.


Create engaging shorts

I've been hanging around watching shorts almost every night and here's what I know that make those shorts click with their audience. 

Viral posts feature challenges or trends. Challenges go from the ridiculous to the dangerous stunts. Pick what you can catch on video. Many mockup videos also get millions of views so that's what audiences can mostly relate to. Find what will make you stand out because almost everyone has those challenge and mockup videos but not all those that you can find get millions of views. 

Make your thumbnail video and your title catchy enough to make them click and watch your video. Shoot your videos in good lighting condition and edit them if necessary. If you have the time, you can explore using other editing apps for YouTube shorts to improve the quality of your videos. Add captions, transitions, and other amazing effects that will glue your audience to your videos and will make them come back for more.

Put the right hashtag in your video uploads. If you are still new to this, you'll learn soon enough. Check the hashtags on those viral to have an idea of what to put in yours. Make sure your hashtag truly reflects your content.

Engage with your viewers. Be kind. Be nice. Reply to comments and build your following. Make your viewers subscribe and make them share your videos. 

When you have built enough subscribers, you can start hosting ads in your videos. YouTube is going to put a $100M fund for ads. You can have a piece from that fund if you get on the right track. 

Here's a tutorial to help you start an ad campaign on Google Ads for your videos.

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